Cruising Yreka California|Longboarding Around Yreka
Follow Me While Longboarding Around Yreka!
One of my favorite streets to cruise while longboarding around Yreka is Jackson Street, which goes downhill for about a half mile. There is a decent little hill right in front of the middle school where the road is really wide. At this point your building up enough speed to practice some power slides before the stop sign.
If you’re longboarding around Yreka and looking for a large flat area to cruise around in, the middle school is also great for that. There is a huge black top area with track lines painted on it. If you’re looking for stuff to do there are also some monkey bars and stuff if you feel like doing some pull ups or dips to make a workout out of it. And there are also a ton of basketball hoops here.
Heading downhill from the middle school I usually make a right at the stop sign to avoid going through a 4 way intersection. This will take you up South Oregon St. which is slightly uphill for a while. So you’re kicking for a bit, but it’s a nice mellow downhill on the way back.
After the mellow downhill turn right at the fire station which will take you down old Main Street. Keep an eye out for Mickey Mouse! This drag is smooth and downhill with slight traffic sometimes. I would turn right at the street before the stop light to be safe.
Or if you were to turn left at the fire station, and ride up that street for a few blocks you’ll find the Yreka Skatepark. The Yreka Skatepark is a small skatepark with 2 ramps, a box, and a rail. It’s a very small skatepark, but it’s something. And it’s located inside of a bigger community park.
There is another good long downhill section by the high school track. This road is kinda bumpy – not too bad for soft wheels but annoying with harder wheels. Right after the track turn right for a steep hill. This hill is fun, one of the larger steep hills in the area.
Finding Adventures in A Small Town
My favorite hill to hit while longboarding around Yreka is Foothill Drive. You can read more about that particular hill here. There is also another cool path in Yreka called Green Way Trail – read about that path and park here.
I spent a lot of time riding around the neighborhood streets and cruising around town in Yreka. I met a few locals while cruising around, and also set up with my boards and shirts at one of the free summer concerts. That turned out well, I got a lot of great feedback on my boards and what I’m doing! =) If you like reading about some of my longboard adventures, please help support Lost Coast Longboarding by picking up some gear from our shop. Click the shirt above to see our Big Foot Boarding t-shirt!
Thanks for your support! And thanks for keeping up with The Lost Longboarder!