Eastward Travels Through Arizona
After leaving LA the check engine light came on in the truck. I stopped at an auto part store so they could run the test and they said all I needed was a new gas cap, so I got a new one and put it on the truck.
We stopped at a few skate shops and we were able to cruise on our boards a little, too. We found the Grand Canal Trail and we decided to skate that for a bit. You can read about that trail HERE.
After a few hours of driving not only was the check engine light still on, but a new gas cap light came on as well. So we had to go to another auto part store where we returned the gas cap. I decided to scrub the old gas cap as best I could and have the auto part store reset my check engine light and if the cap was malfunctioning then I figured the light would come back on. It didn’t, so that was a weight lifted.
I stopped into the Cowtown Skate Shop in Phoenix, and it was a cool shop. They had a lot of vintage boards all over the store, they also had a lot of the usual skate stuff, apparel and shoes and stickers and stuff. We tried stopping at a skate shop called Keep Screaming, but the building was no longer a skate shop.. we had the same results at a skate shop called Satellite 13. We did get to go on a few hikes while in Arizona, you can read about Picaho Peak here, and the Romero Pools here. We found this cool lizard along the way.
We got to skate during the sunset at a place called Rio Salado. This was a beautiful path, and the pavement was clean and super smooth. I thought this path was much more enjoyable for longboarding than the Grand Canal Trail. You can read more about the Rio Salado path HERE!
Our last stop in Arizona was a skate shop called Sidewalk Surfer, it was dark out when we arrived. It was an awesome shop! I got to meet the owner, he was putting together a complete longboard for a customer when I walked in. We kicked it for a while and talked about boarding. I showed him one of my boards and he really liked it. A customer in his store asked about longboards, styles, and what would be good for them, and the owner suggested my board! The customer loved it, and I was able to sell it right there! It was nice of the guys at Sidewalk Surfer to recommend my board to one of their potential customers!
That was that, and the journey continues east!
Thanks for reading about our travels! Thank you for your support. To pick up some cool longboarding apparel designed and screen printed by us head over to our Lost Coast Longboarding Shop!