Skating the Sand Hollow Wash Trail
Our St. George longboarding adventure started when we discovered the St. George trail stystem at the Sk8 George Skate Park. From there, the adventure continued at a really fun and downhill Suburbia Neighborhood. Another fun section of the Saint George trail system that we explored was the Sand Hollow Wash Trail.
Our Experience Longboarding Sand Hollow Wash Trail
To get to the Sand Hollow Wash Trail, we parked in one of the parking lots near the Aquatics Center. We though that the Aquatics building was a pretty cool and unique looking structure.
From the parking lot, we went left/uphill away from the Aquatics Center.
Sand Hollow Wash Trail is smooth and paved, but had some cracks and gravel. The desert surroundings and great views are a beautiful aspect of this trail.
Eventually, this path led us to an intersection in the trail. There was a fun hill at this intersection coming down from the high school. After going down the hill a couple times, we continued down the Sand Hollow Wash Trail section until it ended at the Lava Flow Bike Lane.
We stopped at the bike lane and turned around and headed back toward the intersection. At the intersection, we took the path the other direction across from the hill. The path crosses a footbridge and goes up a hill where it abruptly ends – again – at Tuweap Drive.
From here, I followed the bike lane on the road slightly downhill towards the Aquatic Center. You can pick up Sand Hollow Wash Trail again from the sidewalk off of Sunset Blvd and it takes you back uphill to the parking lot. This hill is a must to take down. The hill is very smooth, steep, and curvy but ends at a small steep uphill where your momentum is slowed before the path meets the street.
This area of the Saint George Trail System was okay, it had some fun downhill sections and nice scenery. There were a few cracks in pavement big enough to stop you in your tracks, so keep an eye out.
Thanks for Reading!
To see more of the skate scene in Saint George, check out this article on Tonaquint, a great suburban neighborhood to bomb hills and power slide through. If you like trail riding, then you’d enjoy reading about another section of the St. George trails system by the Chuckwalla Park. If you’re more of a skatepark rider, then you oughta check out the Sk8 George Skate Park!
If you’re also a hiking and exploration type, then our article about Ashdown Gorge is right up your ally!
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