Longboarding Cruising – What You Need to Know
Longboarding cruising can be one of the most relaxed riding styles when it comes to the sport of skateboarding. There are many different types of skaters, many different types of skateboards, and many different riding styles in the sport. But if you’re looking for a chill recreational activity that can still get
your heart pumping and be fun at the same time then longboarding might be right for you! If the sound of pavement under your wheels and wind in your hair sounds nice to you then keep reading!
Cruising down a mellow hill on a longboard can feel free and relaxing, especially when the cement is smooth and you’re comfortable on your longboard. Longboarding is most greatly known for being a chill vibed skateboard sport, great for some simple cruising, carving, and pumping.
Some aspects of longboarding are kind of a mix between surfing and skateboarding. Many snow boarders also enjoy longboarding because many of the movements and feelings are similar so it’s great for keeping skills sharp in the off season!
Cruising on a longboard can be chill, but can also get exhilarating when you start going downhill. Longboarding cruising, just like any other sport or hobby, becomes more fun with experience. This is because once you learn the basics of moving on a longboard and learning how to stop, you are better equipped to handle new situations and deal with different circumstances correctly.
Where are the best spots for longboarding cruising?
Longboarding is great because you can do it anywhere there is pavement, streets, or sidewalks…. so almost every where. The best place for longboard cruising would be wide smooth streets or a smooth paved bike trail. Suburban neighborhoods are a great place to catch some cement waves and a great place to enjoy just cruising around. This is a great way for kids and adults to get out of the house and move around.
A great thing about longboarding is that once you already have your longboard, it’s free to go outside and ride! Here is a video of some longboarding cruising through a suburban neighborhood in California.
One of my favorite places to ride a longboard is on smoothly paved bike trails. These trails are usually better than sidewalks because there are no cracks between sidewalk squares and they are usually pretty wide. These types of paths are also great because there is usually an understanding of traffic flow in the biking and trail communities which makes things much safer when things start going faster. And some paved paths have great scenery to enjoy along the way!
This video is a great example of longboarding cruising on a paved bike path in northern California.
Paved bike paths are great for also great for longboarding because they are usually pretty long and usually well marked and mapped. Sometimes bike paths have a center line painted on them to help with the traffic flow. These lines are often fun to carve between.
Parking lots are another great spot to cruise around and one of the best places to learn how to ride a longboard. Parking lots are good for learning because they are usually relatively flat and wide open. This is great for learning how to turn and learning how responsive your longboard is to your body movements.
You can click here to see longboard adventures from all around the US!
Etiquette of Longboarding Cruising
When longboarding cruising it is very important to BE AWARE! This means being aware of things like other longboarders, people, cars, traffic rules, gravel, curbs, and anything else that may cause you to crash. It is important to stay on the right side of street/path when traffic is present.

Oftentimes people on a longboard are going faster than pedestrians walking, but going slower then cars and bikes. As a longboarder it is your responsibility to be aware of others. Don’t forget, you have no brakes! Stopping on a longboard takes much more effort than it does to stop walking, driving or hit you brakes on a bike. Also, other people can not usually predict where a longboarder is going or what they are doing.
Because longboarding a fun recreational activity sometimes it can be overlooked as a great mode of transportation. Cruising on a longboard can be a great way to commute to work or school aka a “Commuteboarder.”

If the journey is not too long, there are many benefits to using a longboard for your daily commute. After your initial longboard purchase, you’ll quickly see that it can be a good investment. Not only are they free transportation but also most longboards and their components are made to last. I am 33 and still have my first longboard! And it’s only on its second set of wheels. With gas prices the way they are, longboard cruising is a great way to save money!
One of the best benefits of cruising on a longboard is the physical exercise! If you’re commuting to and from work everyday you will notice a significant increase in cardio and leg strength. As you integrate longboarding into your daily commute you will also become better at it and more experienced. Another convenient feature of commuting with your longboard is that it’s relatively easy to carry. So you don’t have to lock it up like a bike.
Electric Longboards
In todays world there are many different kinds and brands of electric longboards. This is another great way to commute to work or school. Electric boards are definitely faster and can be much easier to ride than traditional longboards. And that appeals to many people. E-boards can be great for commuting because they are fast and fuel efficient. But when riding an electric board you sacrifice the physical exercise and health benefits of longboarding.

This particular electric board is called a Funning Board. You can click here if you’d like to learn more about it!
Which Longboard Should I Get?
There are many different types of longboards on the market today. Each longboard can have unique features used for different styles of riding, but honestly, if you’re just cruising around any longboard will work. Interested in a new longboard? We can help you decide and get the best longboard for you! You can check out our online Lost Coast Longboarding Skate Shop , or you can reach out to us here and we can start a custom longboard project for you.

If you’re not sure which shape deck you would like for your longboard, you’re in luck. We have plenty of helpful links! Here you can learn the benefits about each longboard shape!
- Pintail Longboard Shape
- Fishtail Longboard Shape
- Freestyle Longboard Shape
- Drop Down Longboard Shape
- Pumping Longboard Shape
- Downhill Longboard Shape
- Dancer Longboard Shape
- Drop-Through Longboard Shape
- Carving Longboard Features
Best Longboard for Beginners?
You’ll find tons of information about which skateboard is the best skateboard for beginners. But there is not one correct answer to this question because it depends what the rider wants to do once they are on the board. If a rider wants to grind and ollie their set up would be much different than someone who just wants to cruise around. The best longboard for a rider looking to cruise around and enjoy some smooth pavement would be a longboard with soft wheels.

This is a great start for someone who is just beginning because a longboard has a wider wheel base which gives the rider more room for their feet and more margin for error. Longboard decks allow your feet to be placed between the trucks making this a more stable platform for new riders. Most people keep their first longboard for many years. And they usually establish a connection with their longboard as they learn, experience new things and get comfortable with their riding abilities. This makes your first longboard an important purchase.
The Most Important Part of Longboarding Cruising
The most important part of cruising around on your longboard is to have fun! And of course, be safe! Longboarding is a great activity that can provide fun and some exhilaration with the added benefit of getting some exercise. So just get out and have fun exploring some new roads and hills.

Thanks for Reading!
Thanks for reading our article about longboarding cruising! We live on the road as we travel the country finding new skate spots and creating hand painted longboards where ever we go! Please check out our Lost Coast Longboarding Skate Shop. And feel free to reach out via our contact page to get started on your custom longboard project!
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