Sidewinder Skate Park
The artwork surrounding the entrance to the skate park took my breath away! These mosaic tile art pieces are on pillars on either end of the gate. This artwork was created created by Rainforest Art Project and Sponsored by: City of El Centro, Created with students of Sunflower Elementary
Sidewinder Skate Park has bathrooms, drinking fountains, and a concession stand (closed when we were there). This was a great skate park with very smooth cement. Half of the skate park has a street layout and the other half of the park is dedicated to the large bowl. On the street section of the park there are a number of ramps, rails, stairs, and boxes.
Riders Thoughts of Sidewinder Skate Park:
I enjoyed Sidewinder Skate Park because of the very large snake bowl. The large bowl allows a boarder to find many different lines and smooth transitions between obstacles. There are some areas of the bowl that have coping and ramps and other areas that have a smooth roll in.
I really enjoyed the ability to roll in while skating this bowl. A roll in is an important factor when riding a longboard in a skatepark. My experiences in skate parks have led me to skating in all sorts of parks, hills, and trails. One of the obstacles that I have encountered a few times is called the “boob.” This obstacle is just a smooth rounded mound in the skate park. I like this obstacle because it allows the rider to pump and gain speed while riding.
Shred it Later – Pin it Now!
The large bowl in this skate park had two of these obstacles which allowed me to really carry my speed and keep up my momentum. And one of them had Pac-Man painted on it!
When we were here, it was pretty busy with about 10-15 people. There were mostly kids (middle/high school) and one or two adults. The park had a mellow chill vibe. El Centro is very much in the desert, and the hot sun was out.
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Stay tuned to The Lost Longboarder to see the next stop on our journey. After El Centro we head up to Palm Springs!
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