Watson Lake Hiking – Flume and Watson Dam Trailhead
Watson Lake is a beautiful feature in Prescott Arizona that you can’t help but notice. And there is a really great trail system to be found here as well! Not only can you hike and circumnavigate Watson Lake on Watson Lake Loop Trail but you can explore even more of these incredible Joshua Tree-esque rocks from the Flume and Watson Dam Trailhead! Find a waterfall on Watson Dam Trail, stair step your way up Flume Canyon Trail to find impressive views of Watson Lake below. Get off trail, climb around, take side adventures, find water holes and explore as you reach other little trails such as Secret Cove.

We were having a great time camping near Mayer, Arizona when we decided to go on a day hike that we found online located in the nearby town of Prescott. The granite rocks reminded us of all of our wonderful rock scrambling adventures in Joshua Tree, which is a really special place to us, and always a lot of fun. So we headed into Prescott and let the adventure begin!

Quick Info: Watson Lake Hiking – Flume and Watson Dam Trailhead
Distance: There are multiple loop options from Flume and Watson Dam Trailhead. We combined a few trails with a bit of off trail exploring… So there is no set distance for this hike – go play!
Good to know – if you’re interested in hiking Watson Lake Loop Trail (not covered in this article), it is about 4.8 miles roundtrip.
Difficulty: Moderate – lots of rock scrambling and some steep sections
Directions: Click here to get directions to Flume and Watson Dam Trailhead.

Check out the video below to get an idea of what it’s like to explore the area around Watson Lake!
Our Experience Exploring Flume and Watson Dam Trailhead
We planned to begin our hike at the Flume and Watson Dam Trailhead. When we arrived, the parking area was completely full but luckily we found a nearby pull off and parked. To begin our hike, we picked up Watson Dam Trail and began following the white dot trail markers.
First the trail climbed up into the awesome granite rocks we were so eager to play on. We love when trails are more than a flat trail and require a bit of rock scrambling.

There were some sections of the trail where we could see Granite Creek down below as well as glimpses of residential houses through the trees.

After this brief flat wooded section, we started to climb Flume Canyon Trail. We reached a small pond nestled between the tall rocky walls as well as two cute bridges.

Further, the trail followed the rocks and showed off towering rock formations. And then the Watson Dam structure came into view. As we approached Watson Dam, we could see the waterfall tumbling from the dam. Here the rock trail was cool and the waterfall was pretty.

The trail then descended down to Granite Creek below. Here, we had a new view of the waterfall.

We crossed the creek here and continued following the trail up the wall of rocks. The trail brought us out to a tall vista overlooking Watson Lake and exposing the granite boulder haven that we surrounded us!

Hike it Later – Pin it Now!
After taking in the views and having lunch, we began scrambling. We were on again off again with Over the Hill Trail. As we were exploring we would find cool side canyons to follow, some with water in them. Then we would either head back to the trail or just find the next part of it somewhere else. We didn’t have a destination but were having a good time playing on the rocks and boulders.

Without knowing it, we stumbled upon Secret Cove. We were surprised to have made it to a small lake but then when we found a nearby sign we were able to see our location and orient ourselves. Secret Cove was cool to stumble upon but not really an impressive destination or feature in itself.

After several hours of rock scrambling, great views and exploring the Watson Lake area, we were ready to head back to the parking area. We had a great time getting to know the area!

Thanks for Reading!
Flume and Watson Dam Trailhead provided us with a very scenic and fun filled day of exploring! And the unique geology of the area was a nice surprise for a rocky adventure in the area. Since we’re on the move constantly, we never know what we’re going to find and love being pleasantly surprised.
If you’d like to read some of our other adventure articles, check out the links below:
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